The Sharing Group is wokring wonders for inspiration and creative sharing

Last few weeks have gone so well with activity to share in the creative Sharing Group.

Benyamin has been helping members explore using plastercine to make scupltural works. Rachael is feeling proud of herself with her new works. Shumon is enjoying linking with everyone and sharing biscuits and Glen is looking forward to the next session where Benyamin will share with the group how to make moulds with plastercine and plaster of paris :-)

First find the image you want to work with

Moulds to explore making new week

Rachaekl beaming with pride

Benyamin made this in an hour!

Glen's enthusiams was racing with ideas of how moulds can help his creative ideas develop into works of art

Shumon always loves a chat, a biscuit and catching up with how everyone is doing
