Art Action Refugee Week 2013

We are celebrating Refugee Week 2013 with an ART ACTION involving members of the public and the refugee and asylum seeker community, right here in the centre of Liverpool!

We hope you can join us to celebrate the contribution refugees make to our city and to better the understanding of why people come to seek sanctuary.

Our theme this year is based around reaffirming our faith in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The ART ACTION will take place on Sunday 16th June at 1.30 pm to mark the beginning of Refugee Week. So get ready to join us and be active through art to celebrate and commemorate refugees and those lost in conflict...

You can follow out Twitter feed or Facebook to get regular updates.
The more people that join us on the day, the bigger the statement that can be made.

Article 13 -
1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.

2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Still wondering what will be going on??? Well, so far we have revealed it'll be in Liverpool City Centre and it would be good if you could bring a piece of fabric dimensions approx. 1.5 foot long x 2 inches wide.

Why do we need it and is there anything else to bring? Find out through the posts this week!
Image by SOLA Volunteer 'Andremaco'
